Soul of My Heart

29 March 2015

Back Pain!!!

Harini Allah tarik satu nikmat dia, dia bagi back pain dekat Aliah.. Sakit sangattttt.. Hanya Allah yang tahu.. Tapi itulah ujianNya.. Macam-macam yang bermain kat kepala ni seriously sebab takut sangat.. Ye la muda-muda dah back pain.. Pagi-pagi bangun macam takde ape sangat, dah tengah hari tu nak duduk sakit nak diri sakit.. Semua serba tak kena.. Tak tau la nak buat macam mana.. Tapi sakit-sakit pon sempat jalan-jalan.. Hahahaha.. Ye la ada orang tu OBSESSED sangat nak beli tudng AidiJuma.. Hahahaha.. Dia dok mohon-mohon la kedai tu tak kosong.. Rela dia putus cinta dari tak dapat AidiJuma.. Hahahaha..

So malam pergi clinic pulak suruh Putri drive pinjam kereta Inani.. Thanks Inani pinjamkan kereta and thanks Putri sebab drivekan.. Rasa macam tulang ni dicengkam-cengkam.. Arghhhhhh.. So Dr pon kasi la ubat.. Huhuhu.. Dr kata masalah backbone bukan muscle sebab yang sakit hanya bahagian tengah.. Faktor dia banyak.. Maybe jatuh banyak kali sebelum ni, maybe exercise paksa sangat kot, or maybe stress and banyak lagi la.. Ubat ni susah bebeno nak menelan and yang sapu tu, AISHHHHHH PANAS NYERRR~~~

Ok and satu lagi cerita harini.. Hmmm............. Ade sorang teman rapat ni, dia cakap dia takde mood lately sebab rasa useless and lose hope.. Tak tau nak kasi nasihat macam mana.. But I believe she’s stronger than me.. She is one of the strongest person I know.. Babe, jangan lah risau, Allah ada.. Believe in that.. Orang tak faham kita tak apa, ujian Allah kasi lain-lain.. Yang ni untuk kau.. Allah tau kau kuat, just believe in Him.. Redha dengan setiap apa yang berlaku.. Redha bukan bermakna tiada tangisan.. Menangis lah kalau perlu, Allah ciptakan air mata untuk kita menangis merayu denganNya.. Doalah banyak-banyak.. Tanpa kita mintak pon Dia bagi, inikan kita merayu.. Be strong.. Luv you babe..

28 March 2015

Kenangan Disebalik Shawl~

Tiba-tiba teringat balik kisah ni, so saje nak share:

I was so eager to meet my favourite actress Aida Khalida.. Seriously Allah sahaja tahu betapa hati ni nak sangat jumpa dia.. I have my own reason that everyone tak tau but sadly I haven’t tell her.. Ok and so what I did was I saw a contact number few weeks ago in her Instagram on 1 of her posting on her AIDAKHALIDATDG bisnes.. Aliah kan, biase la kalau suka buat benda pelik2 ni.. So I don’t care whose number is that but he or she is going to help me in whatever way.. Hahaha macam kejam bunyi nya.. But I have to do that, no choice.. Because this is consider as 1 of my last hope.. Ok, Aliah memang demand sikit la but whatever.. Tak nak cerita yang lain2.. Nak cerita alkisah apa yang relate.. Yesterday I tweet her as usual untuk wish buka puasa which I do everyday.. Hope dia tak boring because I tweet her every single day.. Because I only have the chance to tweet her this much in Ramadhan.. So I said “Esk I plan to go to your tudung booth around 3.. Hope you'll b there.. Ada rezeki dpt jumpa.. Early wish today, slmt berbuka~”.. And I just hope that she realize this tweet dengan harapan kalau dia betul2 free mungkin tergerak hati dia untuk tunaikan permintaan I ni haaa yang pelik2.. And she retweet it.. Ok Alhamdulillah step 1 success so I just have to try my luck tomorrow (today) because she didn’t reply.. Its ok.. So what I did today is I asked permission from mama untuk keluar pergi KLCC la sebab memang hajat nak cari something kat situ.. So takde la menipunya.. Then kita menyimpang kejap la.. Alaa bukan buat benda tak baik so its ok.. Then Aliah pon pergi la try luck going to the location of the booth.. And I only see her daughter.. But I didn’t lose hope that fast.. I approach her daughter “Assalamualaikum.. Akak kalau tengok saya akak cam tak?”.. And so her daughter know me because I ever whatsapp her mintak tolong untuk arrange jumpa her mom la.. Hahahaha.. Then I ask if her mom datang ke tak harini? Then she called her mom.. She told me that her mom is on the way, datang pon upon request by someone who always tweet her.. Alamak malu pulak.. Hahaha but its ok.. Then I waited until she comes.. And there it goes, she appears in front of me.. Tak terkejut pulak kan? Hahahaha, excited ada tapi entah bila la pulak kan Aliah ni pemalu.. Adeh! So I act like biase je la nervous2 pon.. And I asked her dari mana lepas ni pegi mana and so on.. Then she said “dari rumah sebenarnya tak berapa nak sihat tapi kesian kalau tak datang Aliah nak jumpa”.. Ok terharu sangat2.. Its not Im the only 1 who puts effort to see her, she also put her effort on tunaikan permintaan Aliah ni la yang abah dok kata merapu2.. Then we chit chat sikit2.. Kenal2 sikit, ambik2 gamba, and then she teaches me how to wear shawl and Aunty hadiahkan 1 shawl untuk Aliah.. Aww that’s sooo sweet of you, Insya-Allah I will use it well.. Happy la, sape tak suka kan dapat gift.. Then before balik tadi, I gave her what I did for her this few days.. Hahaha Im not that creative, so kalau buat something tu berhari2 bermalam2 lamanya.. Seperti biasa apa yang Aliah selalu bagi orang, orang tu tak bole bukak dulu.. Dah balik baru boleh bukak.. So I asked her to keep it elok2 because I did that specially for her.. Okey and so this is my story because Im to happy so I share this story and I give the title of my story KENANGAN DISEBALIK SHAWL because I believe that I will always remind this happy moment every time I see the shawl she gave me~ 

P/S: Mula2 Abah tak percaya artis pakai twitter.. So bila hajat tertunai, Aliah kasi abah gamba yang kitorang ambik tadi and abah respond “KENCANG SEH……”

-10 July 2014-